Why should teens workout?
Everyone can use some guidance, especially our next generation. Our future is dependent on building strong willed and supremely confident individuals. Today’s landscape for the youth is much different from ours and previous generations. There’s too much screen time, social media, and negative messages, and not enough time spent getting physical activity and face to face socializing (making friends). On top of this, bullying is still a major concern for parents, and it doesn’t look like these issues are going away any time soon.
Lets’ do something about it. Kickboxing builds durable, skilled, and confident kids. We have seen it time and time again. During our time working with teens, we have heard parent’s feedback about how much their kid has grown in self confidence and maturity, and how much change they are noticing.
Strength and durability
Our programs make teens less prone to getting injured. We teach proper movement patterns that keep them healthy in sports and in life.
Mental health
Teens in our programs develop confidence and self-belief. This translates directly to academic and professional success, and makes them more resilient against mental health challenges.
Time offline
Our programs get teenagers off screens, onto their feet, and interacting with others. In the digital age, it's more important than ever to make sure teens stay physically active and engaged with a real-life community.
Lifelong habits
Routines formed in adolescence are easier to sustain through adulthood. We help instill teens with a love for exercise that they'll carry for years to come.
Get your teen moving
Book a free intro to talk with a coach about our teen workout classes.