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Learn about our class offerings and schedule to make informed decisions about your fitness goals.
Raw Kickboxing and Fitness Hit It Hard Sign


Stay on top of your fitness routine with our up-to-date class schedule.

*Experience required for all classes.

Raw Kickboxing and Fitness Scheldule
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9:00 amCrossFitCrossFitCrossFitCrossFitCrossFit
10:00 amPersonal TrainingPersonal TrainingPersonal TrainingPersonal TrainingPersonal Training
11:00 amYogaYogaYogaYogaYoga
1:00 pmSemi-private trainingSemi-private trainingSemi-private trainingSemi-private trainingSemi-private trainingSemi-private training


Lift 60

Lift 60

During this 60 minute strength and conditioning class you will learn how to increase total strength, drive adaptation, and improve speed and power. If your goal is to work to be the best you can be, then it's time to lift.

Kickbox 60

Kickbox 60

This 60 minute class will focus on developing Kickboxing skills that will transform your body into a weapon. In this 60 minute class you will develop your punches, kicks, knees, and elbows to create a well rounded skill set while increasing your work capacity.

Box 45

Box 45

We will be developing and drilling boxing techniques through shadowboxing, bag work, pad work, and boxing specific conditioning. This 45 minute class is designed to get you fit while learning "the sweet science" just like real boxers.

Fit 45

Fit 45

This 45 minute conditioning class is designed to build general work capacity, increase strength, and mobilize body fat. We utilize lower volume and complexity to allow you to train for the desired effect and stimulus for the workout. This is like building a bigger engine in order to handle more power and intensity.

Rock Steady Boxing

Rock Steady Boxing

A boxing program designed to slow the progression of Parkinson's Disease.

Raw Teens' Kickboxing/Self Defense Program

Raw Teens' Kickboxing/Self Defense Program

For ages 12-15, this 60 minute class will improve self confidence and self esteem through boxing and fundamental exercises.

Our clients see incredible results

Achieve your goals at Raw Kickboxing and Fitness.

Day One

Increased brain functions and boosted mood.


Week One

Improved energy and better health.

Month One

Increased metabolism, changes in muscle mass & overall fitness.

Month Three

See-it-in-the-mirror results.

Month Six

Compliments from friends/family & a healthier, more efficient heart.

One Year

Increased life expectancy, better bone density and mental health.


Our gym has membership options starting at $140 per month. We have a fitness solution for every budget. Fill out the form to learn more about our memberships.

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Learn more about our membership options

Fill out the form below to get started.